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  2. Carbon footprint measurement

How often should organisations measure their carbon footprint?

Organisations should measure their carbon footprint regularly to manage and reduce their environmental impact effectively. The frequency of measurement can vary based on factors such as size, industry, and sustainability goals. However, some general practices are:

  • Annually: Many organisations opt for annual measurements to track progress, evaluate the impact of emission reduction efforts, and ensure compliance with reporting requirements.
  • Biennially: Smaller organisations or those with relatively stable operations may choose to measure their carbon footprint every two years.
  • Trigger-based: Some organisations measure their carbon footprint when there are significant operational changes, expansions, or changes in sustainability initiatives.
  • Continuous monitoring: More advanced organisations invest in continuous emissions monitoring systems for real-time data on emissions.

Ultimately, the goal is to strike a balance between maintaining accurate and up-to-date emissions data and avoiding unnecessary resource consumption. Organisations should align their measurement frequency with their sustainability objectives and available resources. With a strong track record and expertise, DGB Group can assist your organisation with all your carbon footprint-related queries and strategies, helping you in your journey towards sustainability.