Can sustainability be achieved solely through compensation?

To become sustainable requires a holistic approach. It involves implementing sustainable practices, compensating for past and irreducible emissions, and reducing emissions that can be reduced. While carbon compensation is very valuable for compensating for unavoidable or hard-to-abate emissions, it's important to employ emissions reduction and other sustainable efforts too. Carbon reduction can provide opportunities to improve energy efficiency and implement sustainable practices that directly reduce emissions. A comprehensive strategy combining both emissions reduction and compensation ensures a more substantial and sustainable impact on the journey towards reaching your sustainability goals. 

Carbon compensation remains a crucial tool in nature's restoration and our global path towards sustainability. It supports carbon projects, which often yield many added environmental advantages, including restoring biodiversity and establishing new habitats. It therefore offers benefits and impacts outside of your organisation. Ultimately, it fosters a harmonised carbon footprint, champions eco-conscious endeavours, and creates a more sustainable world.