1. DGB Group Knowledge Center
  2. Environmental impacts and reporting

What are some key performance indicators (KPIs) used to assess the success of carbon offset initiatives?

Key performance indicators (KPIs) help organisations gauge the effectiveness of their carbon offset initiatives and their contributions to sustainability and environmental goals.

KPIs commonly used to assess the success of carbon offset initiatives include:

  • Carbon footprint reduction: Measuring the amount of carbon emissions reduced through the initiative.
  • Energy consumption: Evaluating the decrease in energy usage achieved.
  • Waste reduction: Tracking the reduction of waste generated.
  • Supply chain waste: Measuring waste reduction within the supply chain.
  • Recycling rates: Monitoring the rates of materials recycling.
  • Alternative transportation: Assessing the increase in sustainable transportation methods.
  • Water conservation: Evaluating water usage reduction efforts.

In addition to assessing some of the above factors, DGB Group’s impact is measured in hectares of degraded land restored and the quality of life of people positively influenced. All our projects are independently verified to ensure their impact and quality. DGB is for nature and we strive to successfully restore, rejuvenate, and protect nature.