What is carbon compensation, and why is it important?

Carbon compensation (also carbon offsetting) involves compensating for your carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions that cannot be reduced by purchasing carbon units (also known as carbon credits) to offset your carbon footprint. Some emissions are irreducible, or have already been emitted, and to compensate for such emissions we use carbon units. 

Carbon units are a vital tool to protect and restore nature. They are generated by projects that reduce or remove CO2 from the atmosphere, such as reforestation or afforestation initiatives. Carbon compensation is essential to address our environmental impact, and carbon units are often seen as an instrument to value nature. By compensating for emissions, individuals and businesses help to restore nature, take responsibility for their carbon footprint, promote sustainability, and contribute to a low-carbon economy. 

Carbon compensation is a sustainable solution to making a positive difference and reducing your carbon footprint. Nature-based solutions are seen as the best way to compensate for carbon emissions due to all the additional advantages they offer.