Thursday, March 28, 2024 11:00 CET

Webinar: Carbon Units for Beginners


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Webinar: Carbon Units for Beginners

Carbon units (also known as carbon credits), as well as other forms of carbon compensation, can seem technical and intimidating at first. Don’t let this stop you from reaching your environmental goals. We can make it simple.

This webinar will cover everything you need to know to have a solid foundation on carbon units and how they can help your business become more sustainable. We'll dive into questions such as:

  • What exactly is a carbon unit?
  • How are carbon units created and issued?
  • How long does a carbon unit last?
  • How and why do we use carbon units?
  • Will I get carbon units if I plant a tree in my company's backyard?
  • What if something happens to the trees in the project that I've bought carbon units from?

Join us live to get the insights you have been waiting for. You'll also have the opportunity to ask any questions you might have about the topic on Thursday, 28 March 2024, at 10:00 CET.

To empower your business towards sustainable success, start by learning about carbon units.

Webinar agenda


Learn a bit more about your host and DGB Group.

What is a carbon unit?

Find out what carbon units are, how they're created, and how they're used.

Why use carbon units?

Learn why carbon units are a solid solution for your business' CO₂ compensation plan.

The cost of carbon units

Learn about the factors that influence carbon unit prices, and why high-quality carbon units are more desirable.

Carbon units vs other solutions

Compare the efficiency of carbon units to other compensation solutions.

Live Q&A session

Make sure you completely understand the topic and ask any questions you might have.

Hosted by

Wienke Schouwink

Environmental Solutions Manager

Wienke Schouwink is an Environmental Solutions Manager at DGB Group. She has a background in Sustainability and Global Business and over five years of experience in the field of carbon footprinting, compensation, and helping companies reach their sustainability goals.

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Pedro Zimmer

Head of Events and Resources

Pedro Zimmer is Head of Events and Resources at DGB Group. He has a background in marketing and over five years of experience helping companies and clients communicate through content.

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Who we are

We're one of the leading large-scale carbon & biodiversity project developers worldwide

The scale required for global reforestation efforts is almost unimaginable. For capital markets and private individuals, this creates exciting opportunities. As the world's first publicly traded purpose company focused on carbon offsetting and nature conservation, DGB sources, develops, and manages large-scale nature-restoration projects.

We’re striving to safeguard the natural world, helping people live more sustainably and take action against deforestation and desertification.

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