1. DGB Group Knowledge Center
  2. Carbon footprint measurement

How can individuals calculate their personal carbon footprint?

Individuals can calculate their carbon footprint by gathering data on energy use, transportation, diet, shopping habits, and waste generation. They can then use DGB’s easy-to-use free Carbon Footprint Calculator to input this data and get an estimate of their environmental impact. By analysing the results, individuals can identify areas with high emissions, make lifestyle changes to reduce their carbon footprint, and purchase carbon units to compensate for any remaining emissions. 

Carbon units is a great way to contribute to nature and make a positive environmental impact, contributing to environmental sustainability and nature restoration. DGB’s carbon units are generated by our high-quality nature-based projects, which not only sequester carbon but offer many environmental and community benefits, such as ecosystem restoration, biodiversity preservation, habitat creation, job provision, community training, improved community health, and other economic opportunities.