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Directie DGB Group vergroot belang door koop aandelen

DGB Group N.V. (“DGB”, “de Groep” of ¨het Bedrijf¨) (Euronext: DGB: NL0009169515), een toonaangevende ontwikkelaar van grootschalige CO2-projecten en gericht op ecosysteemherstel, kondigt vandaag aan dat verschillende directieleden hun belang hebben vergroot door aandelen te kopen.

De aankoop van niet-beursgenoteerde aandelen weerspiegelt het vertrouwen van de directie in het sterke groeipotentieel van DGB en hun toewijding om het toekomstige succes en de doelstelling van het bedrijf te ondersteunen. Deze aankopen van niet-beursgenoteerde aandelen dragen direct bij aan de financiering van de projectenpijplijn van DGB.

  • Chief Executive Officer S.A.M. Duijvestijn heeft nu een belang van 4.65% (0.44% direct en 4.21% potentieel);
  • Director of Operations T. Donia heeft nu een belang van 4.47% (2.41% direct en 2.06% potentieel);
  • Director of Finance N. van Houdt heeft nu een belang van 0.37% (0.11% direct en 0.26% potentieel));

Andere medewerkers hebben ook aandelen en opties in het bedrijf, waardoor een gedeelde visie en motivatie wordt gecreëerd om succes te stimuleren, terwijl ook hun bijdragen aan de groei van DGB worden gestimuleerd en beloond.

"I am excited to be a part of the company's journey to be investing in DGB" said Thomas Donia, Director of Operations at DGB. "The company has a portfolio of projects that will demonstrate real outcomes, and it has a clear vision for the future. I strongly believe in our ability to drive growth and the fundamental concepts of nature-based solutions."

Selwyn Duijvestijn, CEO of DGB said: “The purchases of non-listed shares are a testament to DGB’s strong performance. We are confident that this investment will help to further solidify the company's position as a leader in the industry and continue to see strong growth for our company and the carbon offsetting industry.”


Contact details:

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+31108080126 (NL)
+442080640936 (EN)


About DGB:

DGB is a project developer of high-quality large-scale carbon and biodiversity projects accredited by third parties. The Group is focused on nature conservation and helping biodiversity flourish by assisting governments and corporations in achieving net-zero. Global megatrends drive the demand for carbon credits and underpin the growth opportunities. DGB GROUP NV is a public company traded on the main Dutch stock exchange Euronext Amsterdam under the ticker symbol AEX:DGB and ISIN-code NL0009169515.. www.green.earth



This press release contains no (invitation to make an) offer to buy or sell or otherwise acquire or subscribe for shares in DGB Group NV and is not advice or recommendation as to whether action should be taken. This press release contains statements that may be interpreted as forward-looking statements, inter alia relating to the financial position of the DGB Group, the results achieved, and the company(ies) it operates. Forward-looking statements are all statements that do not relate to historical facts. These statements are based on information currently available and on forecasts and estimates made by the management of the DGB Group. Although the DGB Group believes that these statements are based on reasonable assumptions, it cannot guarantee that the ultimate results will not differ materially from those statements that can be construed as forward-looking statements. Factors that can lead to, or contribute to, differences in current expectations include developments in legislation, technology, taxation, regulation, fluctuations in stock prices, legal proceedings, regulatory investigations, competitive conditions, and general economic conditions. These and other factors, risks, and uncertainties that may affect forward-looking statements or the actual results of DGB Group are discussed in the Annual Report. The forward-looking statements in this document apply only as of the date of this document. Subject to any legal obligation to do so, the DGB Group accepts no obligation or responsibility to update the forward-looking statements contained in this document, whether they relate to new information, future events or otherwise.

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