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Carbon footprint

How big is your environmental footprint? Take the first step towards a positive impact and answer a few simple questions to calculate your footprint in under 5 minutes and make your business Earth-positive.

We're one of the leading carbon offset companies globally

How to calculate & remove your carbon emissions


Identify & Measure

This is the first step for you to identify your organisation's environmental footprint. Answer questions in the form about your business' operations. It's quick and easy.

Learn & Offset

We help you offset your carbon footprint through certified trees and carbon credits verified by Verra's Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) programme.

Impact & Showcase

After balancing your carbon footprint, you can showcase and tell this impactful story with a personalised certificate showing your positive environmental impact.

Start making a positive impact: calculate your carbon footprint today

What is a carbon footprint?

A carbon footprint is the entire amount of greenhouse gases (such as carbon dioxide) produced by human actions. According to pawprint.eco, the average carbon footprint per person in the UK is 12.7 tonnes of CO2 per year, and in the US, it's 21 tonnes.

By 2050, the average worldwide carbon footprint per year must fall to under 2 tonnes per person in order to have the best chance of reaching the goals of the UN Paris Agreement. 

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Why should you measure your carbon footprint?

Worldwide carbon emissions have escalated to record levels. Without action to reverse this trend, the consequent rise of environmental impacts can lead to catastrophic biodiversity loss.

Balancing your carbon footprint means investing in a healthier planet and a better, more sustainable tomorrow.
Carbon Footprint Calculator-3

Use our tailor made carbon calculator to find out how much CO₂ you emit

How to reduce your carbon footprint

DGB's nature-based projects are independently audited and certified by VCS or the Gold Standard in accordance with their guidelines. Mitigating environmental impacts requires restoring nature. When you offset your footprint, you invest in biodiversity and ecosystem restoration by protecting forests. Start measuring your carbon footprint now as the first step towards a positive impact by answering a few simple questions about your business.

Calculate your carbon footprint, evaluate which aspects of your daily activities you can modify to reduce your carbon footprint, and offset hard-to-abate emissions.

What are the benefits of calculating carbon emissions?

Show your environmental responsibility

Many of our daily activitiessuch as using electricity, driving a car, or disposing of wastecause emissions. Together these emissions make up a business' carbon footprint. 

Every organisation's carbon footprint is different depending on its location, habits, and personal choices. To calculate your carbon footprint, we use the answers to your questions and combine that information with corporate standard statistics taken from Greenhouse Gas Protocol. DGB's CO2.Expert carbon calculator is free and easy to use.

Cost saving

Identifying your carbon emissions directly benefits your business as your company analyses how much energy and resources your operations consume and where there is potential for cost and resources savings.

Green marketing

As an increasing number of customers care about the impact of products on the environment, more and more companies are sharing data about their carbon footprint and nature impact with their investors and consumers.

Make your business Earth-positive in under 5 minutes:
Calculate your carbon footprint

Why calculating your company's carbon footprint matters

“From the very beginning of our business, we have adopted a strict protocol for the management of the process. We carefully review our project collaborators and suppliers before we deliver any service to you. While each of our projects is validated to international standards with VCS, the ongoing management of our carbon offset project portfolio is fully traceable. DGB can support and help you to calculate and reduce your carbon emissions, from data collection to reduction strategies and offsetting measures."

Rob Jansen
Account Manager Investments

"Reducing carbon emissions might seem overwhelming sometimes, yet we hope to put your mind at ease and help you understand the benefits of becoming green for your organisation. At DGB, we offer our own tailor-made carbon calculator to identify your business’ carbon footprint quickly and easily. After this phase, we can help you remove your C02 emissions through certified tree planting and verified carbon credits. Now, you've taken the simplest and best step in reducing your carbon footprint."

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Thomas Donia
Director of Operations

Our global projects


million trees being planted


hectares of country scouted


million tonnes of CO₂ to be captured


jobs being created


efficient cookstoves to be distributed

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Get in touch

As the world's first publicly traded purpose company focused on ecosystem restoration, DGB is harnessing market forces and the access to capital needed to accelerate Earth's reforestation rapidly. Reach out to us to learn more about our work. 

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