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Landowners and farmers:
vital stakeholders in carbon projects

Landowners and farmers play an essential role in carbon projects. They provide land for the projects, and in turn, they benefit from a sustainable source of income that helps support their families and communities, along with other benefits.

Increased focus on sustainability 

Carbon projects are important globally 

The global importance of mitigating the environmental impact of human activities is growing, and carbon projects have emerged as a vital tool to achieve this goal and restore nature. Landowners and farmers are essential stakeholders in these projects, as they provide the land on which these projects are implemented.

Britain pledges 20 bln pounds to capture carbon emissions_featured

Good for the environment and your income 

The benefits of participating in carbon projects


Increased income from the sale of carbon credits

Carbon projects generate credits for storing CO2 in soil and vegetation, providing landowners and farmers with a sustainable source of income to support their families and communities.


Improved soil fertility and increased water retention

Carbon projects boost soil health and water security, enhancing fertility and water retention to improve crop yields for farmers and landowners.


Support sustainability and biodiversity

Carbon projects help farmers adopt more sustainable land management practices, which benefit the environment by protecting natural habitats and boosting biodiversity. 

Creating sustainable solutions

How do we do it?

We have an expert team that designs, develops, implements, and monitors our carbon projects with you based on your farm management data.


Get to know us

Find out more about DGB's carbon farming projects, and contact us if you are interested in participating in such a project.


Share your data

Based on your land data and farm management practices, we can evaluate if your land is suitable for a carbon project.


Create a master plan

If your land is suitable, we apply models to create a project plan and establish a baseline of soil organic carbon on your land.


Sustainable income system

A validated carbon project will provide income which is dependent on your land’s data, size, nature, and other factors.

Start benefiting from a project on your land

Take the first step towards a brighter future 

Landowners and farmers play a critical role in carbon projects and have much to gain from participating in these projects. From increased income to improved soil fertility and supporting biodiversity, carbon projects provide many benefits that can help support farmers and their communities. If you are a farmer or landowner, consider participating in a carbon project to unlock the full potential of your land and make a positive impact on the environment. Join the carbon farming revolution today.

Project Gallery Cameroon (8) (2)

Earn an income while protecting nature

Why choose us?

"We know the vital role of farmers and understand that they have limited capacity to navigate this new journey alone. Our main goal is to provide developing and sustainable incomes for the future. We do this by creating an additional income stream for the farmer, whereby most of the carbon income is allocated directly to the farmer, while the soil becomes healthier thanks to the analysis and innovative practices of our world-class experts. Basically, we streamline the entire process for sustainable income so that farmers can focus on what they're good at: farming."

Selwyn Duijvestijn
Chief Executive Officer

"In return for wildlife-friendly land management, you can obtain long-term guaranteed incomes as a landowner where management and costs are defined by you. Your land's ownership is untouched. In addition to the established management plan, there are no statutory designations or access requirements. Farmers and landowners can participate in carbon offsetting by capturing and storing emissions. Farmers and landowners can start earning sustainable, practical incomes with DGB, the biggest project developer in the Netherlands."

Nicholas Wall
Project Ecologist

Our global projects


million trees being planted


hectares scouted to be restored


million tonnes of CO₂ to be captured


jobs being created


efficient cookstoves to be distributed

Rewarding, sustainable projects

How do carbon projects generate income?

Carbon projects capture carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. The amount of CO2 captured is then verified and sold through carbon credits.


Feasibility study

Our expert team of ecologists and biologists run a feasibility study on the land.


Project design

Project managers design the project and set up timelines for implementation.



The project is validated and then verified by an independent verification body.


Credits sold

The carbon offsets created by the project can be sold as carbon credits, generating an income.

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Frequently asked questions

What are the requirements for lands?

We support all farmers who are willing to adopt more sustainable farming methods. We provide value for every farmer. Just show us the land, and we'll come up with ways to help you. DGB will partner with you to adopt good practices for your farm and help you get paid for the credits you generate. Examples include adding cover crops, reducing tillage, and other methods that benefit your soil and bottom line as well as our planet. Through DGB, the increased soil carbon sequestration and reduced carbon emissions from these practices generate registry-issued carbon credits, which are increasingly in demand by major corporations. 

What are the farmer's responsibilities?

DGB covers credit verification and soil sampling costs, and we act as your committed partner in actively working to connect with buyers and sell credits at premium market prices. Our expert team will support your carbon journey with five-year contracts and tailor-made agronomic support. Together, we'll get the most value from carbon farming long-term, both from carbon credit income and soil health improvements. So basically, farmers do the farming and we handle the rest.

How much can farmer get paid?

Prices vary based on farm location and size. However, growers are always guaranteed a minimum payment per carbon credit. Please contact us and tell us what you have available, and we'll create a tailor-made offer for the farm

What does it take to apply and start a project?

Just give us your coordinates, and we'll take care of the rest. We do not require upfront fees or acreage minimums to participate. Cutting-edge technology, a data-driven approach, and third-party verification ensure that DGB can rapidly start and accelerate projects.

How do farmers store carbon in soil?

As plants in the field grow, they naturally absorb carbon from the atmosphere and store it in the soil through their roots. The amount of carbon stored can depending on the soil type of the land and the climate in which it is located.

What happens if there is too much carbon in the soil?

The amount of organic carbon stored in the soil is the sum of the inputs to the soil (plant and animal remains) and the losses from the soil (decomposition, erosion and uptake in plant and animal production). If too much carbon is formed in the soil, this can reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide and improve soil quality.

Who is selling carbon credits?

All farmers and landowners can sell carbon credits. Landowners are eligible to receive carbon credits at a rate of one per tonne of CO2 to landowners. DGB helps landowners understand how much carbon their land can sequester each year.

How much does it cost to run a carbon farm?

It will require some upfront investment and can result in a temporary reduction in productivity. However, after two years, you will earn more as an organic farmer and receive income from carbon credits.

How much is a carbon credit worth today?

Prices for carbon credits vary continuously and depend on many factors. As of September 2021, a carbon credit trades for around $16 per metric ton of carbon dioxide stored.  It’s important to note that as more businesses adopt net-zero goals, the price of carbon offsets is expected to surge in the coming years. In fact, several recent studies predict that carbon credit prices will increase by ten-fold by in the next decade, and likely more.  To put things into perspective: A landowner’s farm or ranch land can absorb between 0.5 and >5 tonnes/ac/yr depending on location, soil type, and the tree canopy. This means the possibility to make as much as $1,000,000 per year on one thousand acres of land by 2030. Remember, though, that there's always a premium for custom projects like ours. This link lets you see the current carbon credit prices in real time.

Get in touch

As the world's first publicly traded purpose company focused on ecosystem restoration, DGB is harnessing market forces and the access to capital needed to accelerate Earth's reforestation rapidly. Reach out to us to learn more about our work.

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