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Our high-quality carbon projects bring benefits for farmers, landowners & you

Landowners and farmers play an essential role in carbon projects. They provide land for our projects, and in turn, they benefit from a sustainable source of income that helps support their families and communities, along with other benefits. Just do the right thing and invest in this win-win situation.

Make a positive sustainable impact

Let's celebrate this win-win situation together

Investing in carbon projects is not only a meaningful way to combat environmental instability, but also an incredibly rewarding venture. At DGB, our high-quality nature-based projects stand out for their ability to generate real environmental and social impact.

We create initiatives that restore ecosystems, support biodiversity, and improve the livelihoods of farmers and landowners. 

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Good for communities and your income 

The benefits of participating in carbon projects


Increased income from the sale of carbon units

Carbon projects generate carbon units by capturing CO2, providing landowners and farmers with a sustainable source of income.


Enhanced soil fertility and water retention

Carbon projects boost soil health and water security, enhancing fertility and water retention to improve crop yields for farmers and landowners.


Improved training in sustainable practices

Carbon projects equipping farmers and landowners with training on sustainable land management techniques and long-term productivity.

Rewarding, sustainable projects

How do carbon projects generate income?

Carbon projects capture carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. The amount of CO2 captured is then verified and sold as carbon units (also called carbon credits).


Feasibility study

Our expert team of ecologists and biologists run a feasibility study on the land.


Project design

Project managers design the project and set up timelines for implementation.



The project is validated and then verified by an independent verification body.


Credits sold

The carbon offsets created by the project can be sold as carbon units, generating an income.

Long-term impact

Empowering landowners and farmers

Our projects create transformative opportunities for landowners and farmers by turning land into sustainable assets. We plant over 20 different tree species, from native trees to fruit and nut trees and provide landowners and farmers with training and economic opportunities, setting us apart from other carbon projects.

Whether it’s through improved yields or financial rewards from nature-based solutions, our partnerships empower land stewards to secure long-term environmental and economic benefits.

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Our global projects


million trees being planted


hectares scouted to be restored


million tonnes of CO₂ to be captured


jobs being created


efficient cookstoves to be distributed

Start benefiting from carbon projects

Take the first step towards a brighter future 

Investing in carbon units through DGB means more than offsetting emissions—it's a commitment to a sustainable future. By supporting our projects, you contribute to tangible environmental restoration and social progress.

Every carbon unit purchased helps drive impactful initiatives that combat deforestation, empower communities, and protect biodiversity. Ready to make a difference? Explore our projects and purchase carbon units today to join the movement towards a greener planet.

projects_landowners and farmers_start benefiting from carbon projects

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Get in touch

As the world's first publicly traded purpose company focused on ecosystem restoration, DGB is harnessing market forces and the access to capital needed to accelerate Earth's reforestation rapidly. Reach out to us to learn more about our work.

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