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Green Bonds:
Impactful investments
with strong returns

The nature-based market has grown exponentially in recent years, and we offer investors a unique opportunity to tap into it. DGB's green bonds are the perfect combination of smart investing and meaningful impact.

Large-scale carbon market

Global megatrend

The world is in the midst of a green transition with global commitments towards a low-carbon economy. Since 2015, 196 countries have committed to environmental action and are actively working on solutions to reduce global emissions and become more sustainable.

Companies worldwide have also joined this movement, and are now focused on measuring, reducing, and compensating for their carbon footprints. 

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Carbon reduction vs compensation

The demand for carbon units

Carbon reduction entails reducing emissions that can be reduced—but this takes time. To address irreducible emissions now, leading companies worldwide are compensating for their hard-to-abate emissions with carbon units, creating a high demand for carbon units and increasing carbon unit prices.

The world's largest companies, collectively responsible for 7.2 billion tonnes of annual CO₂ emissions, already have validated emissions reduction targets.

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Market size

Carbon units are a fast-growing commodity

The global carbon compensation market was estimated at $4 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow almost 40% from 2024 to 2030. 

Carbon units are outpacing other traditional commodities, making it an attractive opportunity for investors.

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What do the experts say?

Carbon unit prices will continue to rise

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How can you benefit from this growth?

DGB's Green Bond opportunity

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Partner with DGB

We develop high-quality nature-based solutions that generate verified carbon units.

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Invest in Green Bonds

Invest in DGB's Green Bonds. These bonds fund our nature-based solutions.

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Earn returns

We sell our premium carbon units and you benefit from stable returns of up to 9%.

Why invest in DGB's green bonds?

It benefits you, wildlife, and communities

Nature-based carbon units are becoming an increasingly desired commodity. As a project developer of high-quality nature-based projects, we provide you with the opportunity to capitalise on this growing market and earn attractive returns with a positive impact. 

With DGB’s green bonds, we prove that a healthy return on investment can be achieved in the carbon market. By investing in green bonds, you proactively help support sustainability and environmental projects worldwide whilst growing and diversifying your portfolio.

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Investing with impact

What makes our green bonds unique?

We believe in the power of profitability to attract investment. That is why we champion scalable solutions in line with market needs.

We design sustainable projects aligned with your values to meet your NCS portfolio needs and ESG goals. Our projects provide various co-benefits, align with SDGs, and are independently verified.

With our transparent model, investors can reap the rewards of restoring nature and empowering communities.

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Transforming investments into change

How are our projects verified?

We meticulously plan projects long before planting the first tree, adhering to strict methodologies and standards like the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and the Gold Standard.

Our team ensures compliance at every stage, from the feasibility stage to the sale of carbon units. By managing nature-based projects with robust economic models and hands-on expertise, we deliver high-quality carbon units that meet industry-leading benchmarks.

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An exceptional choice for the planet and your portfolio

Invest in nature, invest with us

With DGB's green investment opportunities, we help you access and capitalise on the growing carbon market by investing in nature-based solutions through green bonds. This sustainable investment allows you to earn competitive returns while supporting nature restoration and community development.

Our global projects


million trees being planted


hectares scouted to be restored


million tonnes of CO₂ to be captured


jobs to be created


efficient cookstoves being distributed

Investing in green bonds

Find out more about our green bonds or upcoming bond issues—bonds with responsible impact and sustainable returns

Frequently asked questions

What exactly is CO₂ offsetting?

Individuals and companies worldwide are recognising the importance of reducing their carbon emissions. As a result, many are reducing their carbon footprint through energy efficiency and other measures. However, it is impossible to achieve net zero by only reducing your carbon footprint.

There is a need for a flexible and scalable mechanism to achieve these ambitious goals. This is where carbon dioxide (CO2) offsetting or compensation comes in. It is a way to give back to nature. Carbon units (or carbon credits) allow entities to neutralise their emissions through nature-based solutions. It can be focused on reforestation, afforestation, ecosystem restoration, and other projects that directly affect nature, communities, and wildlife.

Why invest in green bonds? Companies and individuals are keen to contribute to the environment. Carbon and biodiversity credits help individuals and companies turn their values into a tangible action plan and give back to nature at scale. Green bonds fund these vital nature-based projects that produce carbon units.

While there is interest from a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) point of view in contributing to nature conservation, this interest has increased over the past years due to the need to reduce and offset carbon emissions. CO2 offsetting is done either on a mandatory or voluntary basis for CSR and public relations.

How does DGB Group verify its carbon credits?

DGB Group verifies its carbon dioxide (CO2) compensation according to Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) or the Gold Standard methods. The VCS programme is the world's most widely used voluntary carbon-offset programme. Nearly 1,700 certified VCS projects have collectively reduced or removed more than 630 million tonnes of CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere. 

Projects developed under the VCS programme must pass a rigorous review process to be certified. VCS projects cover many sectors, including renewable energy, such as wind and hydropower projects, forestry, deforestation prevention, and others. 

The VCS and Gold Standard specify the rules and requirements that all projects must meet to be certified. In addition, all such projects are subject to desk and field audits by qualified independent third parties to ensure standards are met and methodologies are correctly applied.

Projects are assessed against a technically sound greenhouse gas emission reduction quantification method specific to that project type. This ensures that the projects are executed with the highest standards, are transparent and verifiable, demonstrates real outcomes, and has positive social and environmental impacts.

How does DGB Group ensure that a project has an impact?

We check all our projects for additionality, sustainability, and non-leakage.

  • Additionality: Additionality requires the forest project to sequester more carbon dioxide (CO2) than in a 'business as usual' scenario. The project must demonstrate that the carbon sequestration would not have happened without the development of the specific offsetting project.

  • Sustainability: Sustainability requires that greenhouse gas (GHG) removal improvements be maintained for up to 100 years. To demonstrate sustainability, each project must undergo external verification of inventory reports and a site visit every six years during the project life (±25 years).

  • Non-leakage: Leakage from carbon offset projects occurs when the reduction of GHGs in one area results in an unintended increase in GHG emissions in another location. Project managers must demonstrate that their project does not cause excessive leakage, essentially wiping out the increase in GHG removal from their project.

What is voluntary CO₂ offsetting?

The voluntary markets are the general name for all voluntary verified carbon emission reduction offsets. The main objective for acquiring Verified Emission Reduction (VER) credits is to neutralise your carbon footprint, mainly motivated by Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and public relations.

The Voluntary Carbon Market allows private investors, governments, non-governmental organisations, and businesses to purchase carbon credits to offset their hard-to-abate emissions voluntarily. Companies can purchase carbon offsets from verified suppliers to neutralise their environmental impact.

What do analysts say about the future size of the voluntary carbon market?

As efforts increase to make the global economy carbon neutral, the demand for voluntary carbon offsets could continue to rise. Based on the stated demand for carbon credits and demand forecasts from experts researched by the Taskforce on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets (TSVCM), McKinsey & Company estimates that the annual global demand for carbon credits could reach as much as 1.5 to 2.0 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide (GtCO2) in 2030 and 7 to 13 GtCO2 in 2050.

Depending on different price scenarios and their underlying drivers, the market size in 2030 could be between $5 billion and $30 billion on the low side and over $50 billion on the high side. while the primary market of the voluntary carbon offsetting market is expected to be worth up to €100 billion by 2030.

The TSVCM, sponsored by the Institute of International Finance (IIF), estimates that the demand for carbon credits could increase by a factor of 15 or more by 2030 and by a factor of 100 by 2050.

What is the price for CO₂ offsets on the voluntary CO₂ market?

The price of one tonne of carbon dioxide (CO2) differs per type of CO2 compensation and changes depending on the underlying projects. The most important factors in determining the price of a carbon credit are: 

  • Type of project (afforestation/reforestation, avoided conversion, or improved forest management).
  • Project vintage (the year of compensation).
  • Additionality (Additionality requires the forest project to sequester more CO2 than in a 'business as usual' scenario. The project must demonstrate that the CO2 sequestration would not have happened without the development of the specific offsetting project.) 
  • Project location.
  • Community aspects.
  • Biodiversity aspects.

The main difference is between avoidance-type offsets and removal-type offsets. Both offsets are essential for conservation. Avoidance offsets ensure the existence of more emission-efficient businesses. In contrast, removal offsets increase the Earth's storage capacity beyond our natural wild forests and gardens.

Which companies offset their CO₂ emissions through voluntary CO₂ credits?

We invite companies and organisations worldwide to take joint action in protecting and restoring nature, biodiversity, and ecosystems. We are confident that the highest impact is created only when we work together for a safe and healthy planet for generations to come. 

Below we've outlined some of the great case studies about companies compensating for their carbon emissions through the voluntary carbon market:

Why invest in green bonds?

Investing in green bonds allows you to support environmentally friendly projects while also earning financial returns. Green bonds fund initiatives such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, and nature-based solutions like reforestation and biodiversity conservation.

They offer a sustainable way to diversify your investment portfolio and contribute to positive environmental impacts. Additionally, investors may enjoy tax advantages and incentives, making green bonds an attractive option for those seeking both economic and environmental benefits. By investing in green bonds, you're playing an active role in the transition to a low-carbon economy.

Get in touch

Join us in scaling nature revitalisation for a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable future. As leaders in ecosystem restoration, we combine market solutions with impactful action. Contact us today to learn more about our work.

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