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Reach your environmental goals with DGB

We believe in the power of businesses to drive positive change and protect the planet. DGB helps businesses measure and reduce their carbon footprint so they can achieve their sustainability goals, align with ESG criteria, and contribute to nature through ecosystem restoration.

Net-zero goals

A global movement

Net-zero goals have gained popularity as the world increasingly acknowledges the detrimental effects of environmental crises and biodiversity loss. As such, there is a global movement towards restoring nature and achieving net zero as quickly as possible. Many businesses and countries have set net-zero targets, which often involve implementing new strategies, using carbon credits, and adopting innovative technologies to reduce emissions. Carbon credits (or carbon units) is a vital tool to achieve net zero within the value chain by investing in projects that restore nature. DGB's verified carbon units help organisations reach their sustainability goals while restoring nature at scale.

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Good for the planet and your business

In an increasingly environmentally conscious world, your environmental impact matters. And, it's an opportunity. Becoming sustainable and environmentally focused is not just the right thing to do—it's also good for your business.  

Why becoming sustainable is beneficial

Attract investment

Investors increasingly consider Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors when making investment decisions. By demonstrating a commitment to sustainability, businesses can differentiate themselves from their competitors and attract investment from responsible investors.

Reduce costs

By becoming more sustainable and changing your business' behaviour towards supply-chain practices, energy consumption, and emission-producing activities, you decrease inefficiencies and operational costs, thus increasing your revenue, efficiency, and competitiveness.

Engage customers

Consumers are becoming more conscious of the environmental impact of the products they buy and are willing to pay a premium for eco-conscious options. By becoming sustainable, businesses demonstrate their commitment to nature and connect with consumers who share their values.

We make your sustainability journey easy

4 Steps to becoming nature positive

Becoming a sustainable business, developing an ESG strategy, and making a positive impact is easy with DGB. Our team of experts will guide you through the process, from calculating and reducing your carbon emissions to compensating for your residual emissions and reporting on your positive impact.



The first step is to measure your carbon footprint. We'll work with you and ask a few simple questions to understand your operations and environmental impact. Then, we’ll provide a comprehensive analysis of your impact.



Once we've calculated your carbon footprint, we'll help you become nature positive. Our experts will work with you to develop a personalised strategy to reduce your carbon footprint, improving sustainability and reducing costs.



Compensate for residual emissions with verified carbon units generated from our projects. We have nature-based projects worldwide that aim to protect and restore biodiversity and prevent deforestation.



Finally, it's time to celebrate your success and contribution to nature! Share your reduced environmental footprint with your customers, suppliers, and employees, and inspire others to follow in your footsteps.

Start your sustainability journey

DGB: your partner in sustainability

At DGB, we're dedicated to making the world a greener place. Our team of experts is passionate about working with businesses to create a more sustainable future. We're committed to restoring nature and protecting biodiversity around the world.

We're actively working on projects that prevent deforestation and protect and restore biodiversity. We work closely with various stakeholders, including companies, investors, and local communities, to ensure our projects deliver positive social and environmental benefits. We also report transparently on the sustainability progress of all stakeholders and our projects.

We have the expertise and solutions to help you reach your environmental goals and develop an ESG strategy. Let us assist you to measure, reduce, and compensate for your carbon footprint and make a positive impact on the world. 

Nature-positive companies

Get inspired by companies that are implementing sustainability strategies to compensate for their carbon emissions.

Read the latest articles

Read the latest trends, tips, and inspiration from the world of environmental ecosystems and carbon neutrality.

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Download our brochure now and learn about the power of carbon credits and how working with DGB Group can help you offset your carbon footprint.