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Nutrifoodz_case study_visual 1

Nutrifoodz is one of the Netherlands’ most popular nutrition and health food companies. Recently, they announced that, in order to combat concerns around deforestation and declining levels of biodiversity, Nutrifoodz would donate 1% of the profit from every single order that is placed to the project JustDiggIt, which aims to plant as many trees as possible and heal the planet’s damaged ecosystems.

The name JustDiggIt comes from their method of solving drought issues by digging ditches into dry soil in a way such that rain water can enter and draw into the parched soil. This is important in desert areas where this water would normally evaporate as soon as it comes into contact with the surface of the hot, dry soil. 

But with this trench-digging technique, the much-needed water can easily reach the soil again, making it fertile once more. The soil still contains seeds and, with the regained ability to retain water, the plants that previously flourished in the area start to grow once more. This is a great way to restore nature.

Going Green doesn't have to cost the earth...

Nutrifoodz demonstrates that, for a small amount of money, you can really make a difference whilst enjoying improved customer satisfaction, a great boost to CSR and increased engagement with the environmentally-conscious consumer of today. It’s in all of our interests to create a greener planet where nature and humanity can flourish side-by-side and if you’d like to take a similar approach, why not get in contact with DGB today?

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