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Offset your emissions with Carbon Credits

Carbon offsetting is easy, and we have the tools to help you. With DGB Group, you can start to measure your carbon footprint and develop a plan to become nature positive.

Step 1

Calculate your carbon footprint

The first step in becoming nature positive is understanding your environmental impact. Our carbon footprint calculator is easy to use and will provide a clear picture of your environmental impact. By answering a few simple questions, you'll get a personalised report showing how much you can reduce your carbon footprint to create a greener, more sustainable future.

Step 2

Offset your carbon footprint

Now that you know your carbon footprint, you can start investing in nature by purchasing carbon credits from us. Our carbon credits come from our high-quality nature-based projects that restore forests and degraded lands at scale. We work with local communities and organisations to create vital habitats, rejuvenate ecosystems, and boost biodiversity, ensuring your purchase is making a lasting positive impact.

Restoring the environment

The importance of carbon credits

DGB's projects generate verified, top-quality carbon credits through the carbon emissions removed by our reforestation efforts or avoided through our energy-efficient cookstove projects. Carbon credits (also known as CO2 offset certificates) are a vital tool to restore nature as they fund these vital restoration initiatives and help individuals and organisations achieve carbon neutrality. Each carbon credit represents one tonne of CO2 emissions removed from the atmosphere. By investing in our carbon credits, you invest in nature and help to create a greener world. 

Your purchase also supports our efforts to improve biodiversity, protect wildlife habitats, and promote sustainable land-use practices. By investing in nature with us, you're supporting a brighter future for generations to come.
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Achieving your goals through nature

Start your sustainability journey

Once your carbon footprint (or your business’) is mapped, we can use this information to create a detailed carbon reduction and offsetting plan that addresses your sustainability and net-zero goals. 

Not all emissions can be reduced, and this is where our carbon credits come in. Our carbon credits are verified by leading international standards, ensuring their impact and quality. They are used to offset hard-to-abate emissions, thereby helping your business reach net zero and become sustainable.  Using carbon credits is therefore a powerful tool to reach carbon neutrality and restore nature.

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How it is done

Carbon offsetting process



The first step is to measure your carbon footprint. We'll work with you and ask a few questions to understand your operations and environmental impact. Then, we’ll provide a comprehensive analysis of your impact.


Once we've calculated your carbon footprint, we'll help you become nature positive. Our experts will work with you to develop a personalised strategy to reduce your carbon footprint, improving sustainability and reducing costs.



Offset residual emissions with verified carbon credits generated from our projects. We have nature-based projects worldwide that aim to protect and restore biodiversity and prevent deforestation.


Finally, it's time to celebrate your success and investment in nature! Share your carbon-neutral status with your customers, suppliers, and employees, and inspire others to follow in your footsteps.

You can start today

Make a positive impact

Don't wait to start making a positive impact on nature and biodiversity. Calculate your carbon footprint and become nature positive today with DGB. Our team is dedicated to helping you start your sustainability journey and make a difference. Please contact us if you have any questions or want to learn more about our nature-based solutions.

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How we do it

Carbon emissions calculator

Our carbon calculator is free to use and available to anyone who wants to calculate their carbon footprint. It estimates an individual or business’ footprint in several areas, including energy usage, transportation, and waste. All calculations are based on the GHG PROTOCOL, ISO 14064, and PAS 2060 standards and comply with the Gold Standard and VCS verification methods.

Insights & News

Read the latest trends, tips, and inspiration from the world of environmental ecosystems and carbon neutrality.

Download our brochure now and learn about the power of carbon credits and how working with DGB Group can help you offset your carbon footprint.