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High time to invest in biodiversity

The health of this planet is very important for the survival of plants, animals and us as humans.

Meanwhile, plants and trees are the biggest factors for supporting the planet's health. However, at the same time, the planet is going through a lot of deforestation.

High time to invest in biodiversity

This is doing nothing but the loss of biodiversity. Sadly, the process is not only increasing but it is increasing at a very fast rate which is making things even worse.

However, with the presence of companies like us, there still lasts a glimmer of hope that things will get better.

Time to invest in biodiversity

The global lockdowns have provided us with the time and opportunity to refine all the scientific evidence and protect biodiversity.

Read about: What is biodiversity and why is it important for life?

So, to make sure that none of the time is going to waste we are already working on the research work and data collection.

These mainly focus on preserving the following things:

  • Ecosystems
  • Species
  • Biodiversity

All of these have the effects of human interaction on them, and we are researching this to preserve biodiversity.

Biodiversity investment history

Although teams are working for the preservation of nature, things were not similar in the past.

The targets were not meeting if we take a look at the nature preservation movements in the past. There were a lot of reasons for this however the main ones are:

  • Lack of knowledge and information
  • Accountability issues at the national level.
  • Lack of investments

Effects of finance on biodiversity

Finance is one of the main pillars of this whole process. Its importance can be known considering the BIOFIN(Biodiversity Finance Initiative) project.

It is a national-level project for the biodiversity-investments. An interesting thing here is that the public-level collections are working amazingly.

However, if we take a look at the wealthier countries and compare it to the poor countries, we will see that:

  • According to the GDP, the wealthier countries are spending less proportion on biodiversity protection.
  • At the same time, the counties with lower GDP are spending more on biodiversity protection.

It becomes clear from this information that the countries with higher GCP are more accountable for biodiversity. Worthy of mentioning that issues like pollution and deforestation are also higher there

High time to invest in biodiversity

Key requirements for preservation of biodiversity

According to a work published by Partha Dasgupta on February 2nd, 2021: more equitable spending is recommended to preserve and restore biodiversity.

It also recommends that the process of biodiversity preservation must be started as soon as possible.

It is because this may cost exponentially high if delayed any further. So, to make things work, the richer nations must pay more.

While the COVID-19 pandemic has made things very difficult for the whole world. This is the lucky time for preserving biodiversity and nature.

It is because most of the things causing pollution and deforestation are on hold or their pace is slow at least.

So, it will be best if there are some investments made for the protection of the environment and nature.

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