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Giant tropical kelp forest discovered in the Galapagos Islands

Giant tropical kelp forest discovered in the Galapagos Islands

A tropical kelp forest, a form of algae often only seen in cooler waters, has been discovered south of the Galapagos Islands, a significant victory for the environment.

Researchers from the Charles Darwin Foundation, working with the Galapagos National Park Directorate and National Geographic, found a sizable kelp forest on the summit of a seamount at depths of about 50 metres.

The Galapagos Islands are home to a tropical kelp forest of enormous importance, which has the potential to sequester a significant amount of carbon.

The Galapagos Marine Reserve's kelp forest is situated in a tropical environment, distant from the coast.

This is a new record for kelp species in the area and for science. It is also of significant importance for this new ecosystem for preserving marine biodiversity, as reported in the academic journal Marine Biology.

Several animals find safety and food in kelp forests

Brown algal seaweeds, called kelps, are known for growing to enormous sizes and forming dense coastal forests. These forests are crucial for carbon sequestration and ecological diversity, much like coral reefs and mangroves.

However, the majority of these kelp forests are only found in warm-cold or polar regions and shallow coastal areas because kelp forests, which are a cold-water species, require consistent light.

The scientists concluded that knowing there are entire marine forests teeming with life that we were unaware of at only 50 metres depth, serves as a reminder of how much remains to be explored, discovered, and protected.

Learn about the importance of investing in biodiversity

Protecting the environment depends on biodiversity. If we wish to continue enjoying a biodiverse planet and preserve the ecosystem, we must start to better conserve biodiversity. DGB Group helps businesses measure and reduce their carbon footprint to restore and protect biodiversity and achieve net-zero goals.

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