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LEDP commits to planting 7,000 native Irish trees to boost biodiversity

Liimerick Enterprise Development Partnership (LEDP) announced it will plant 7,000 native Irish woodland trees in County Limerick this March to celebrate National Tree Week. This planting initiative is part of the organisation's commitment to embracing the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals, which aims to plant 27,000 trees by 2026, offsetting over 4,000 tonnes of carbon emissions over a 100-year period.

LEDP To Plant a further 7,000 Native Irish Trees to promote Biodiversity_visual 1

Biodiversity loss is a significant environmental challenge, with the UN declaring that it is declining at an unprecedented rate, and the pressures driving this decline are intensifying. LEDP's tree planting initiative supports the promotion of biodiversity and will create a wildlife corridor for native species, enabling grassland to revert to more natural vegetation.

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LEDP has initiated the planting of over 17,000 trees to date, including Pedunculate Oak, Scots Pine, and White Thorn. The organisation's CEO, Niall O'Callaghan, stated, ‘At LEDP, we want to meet our environmental responsibilities by preserving biodiversity and reducing our carbon footprint. Trees have the biggest role to play in slowing down biodiversity loss.’

The planting programme is being supported by the Department of Agriculture's Woodland Environment Fund (WEF). The trees will be planted in County Limerick as identified by LEDP's partner, SWS Forestry Services. The initiative aims to have a long-lasting positive impact on the community and region while promoting environmental sustainability.

In conclusion, LEDP's commitment to planting native Irish trees in County Limerick is a significant step towards promoting biodiversity and reducing carbon emissions. Furthermore, this initiative aligns with the organisation's environmental responsibilities and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, making LEDP a leader in environmental sustainability.

Giving back to nature is good for business and great for the planet. Your business can start benefiting today from incorporating trees with DGB Group. 

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