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Tech giant Microsoft embraces nature, secures 350,000 carbon credits from Kenya

Microsoft is to acquire 350,000 carbon credits (carbon units) from a Kenyan agroforestry project. This collaboration, spanning six years, underscores the tech giant's commitment to becoming carbon negative by 2030. The initiative utilises sustainable agroforestry to rejuvenate land and uplift local farmers.

Tech giant Microsoft embraces nature, secures 350,000 carbon credits from Kenya_Agroforestry landscape in Homa Bay in Kenya_visual 1Agroforestry landscape in Homa Bay in Kenya. AI generated picture.

The Lake Victoria Watershed Agroforestry Project, located in Homa Bay, Kenya, is at the heart of this endeavour. It engages 15,000 smallholder farmers in creating 'forest gardens', which are diverse ecosystems of trees, shrubs, and crops. These gardens are designed to maximise agricultural output without relying on harmful fertilisers or pesticides, thereby preventing deforestation and promoting biodiversity.

Read more: Greening the blueprint: Microsoft's 2030 carbon negativity roadmap

Training programmes for farmers are a crucial component of the project, teaching methods that not only increase yield but also protect against drought and soil erosion. The initiative, in conjunction with Trees for the Future, has been praised for its comprehensive approach to enhancing food security and generating a steady income for the community.

Catona Climate and Microsoft emphasise the importance of such projects in achieving global environmental goals outlined in the Paris Agreement. By fostering carbon removal, supporting biodiversity, and benefiting local communities, this partnership between a leading climate finance firm and a tech giant sets a precedent for future environmental initiatives.

Read more: Microsoft's step towards net zero through biochar

The carbon-credit acquisition is a part of Microsoft's Carbon Removal Program, positioning the company as a key player in environmental conservation efforts through innovative projects in reforestation, afforestation, and carbon removal technologies.

At DGB Group, our dedication is in harmony with this objective, as we support the revival of nature via a wide range of nature-based solutions that generate top-quality, verified carbon units. Our efforts span reforestation, afforestation, the restoration of biodiversity, and the rejuvenation of land. We offer a suite of options that enable businesses, investors, and individuals to partake in clear and meaningful contributions towards the conservation and betterment of nature. Together, let's work towards cultivating a balanced relationship with our environment, ensuring its protection and prosperity for future generations.

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