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Thousands of trees to be planted in the UK to boost nature, health, and wellbeing

Thousands of trees to be planted in the UK to boost nature, health, and wellbeing

The United Kingdom (UK) government announced a fund of £14 million so that local governments and community organisations can enhance wellbeing by planting trees.

After the introduction of two major financial initiatives fostering plant growth, hundreds of thousands of trees will be planted in communities around England.

Those who pass the application process for The Urban Tree Challenge Fund and Local Authorities Treescapes Fund will be allocated funds in an effort to ’support tree planting efforts and improve the urban environment for future generations’, according to the Forestry Commission Chief Executive, Richard Stanford.

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The £14 million fund will help the government accomplish its pledge to triple the rate of tree planting in England by the end of this Parliamentary term and to plant 30,000 hectares of trees annually in the UK to achieve net-zero goals.

The Urban Tree Challenge Fund Round 5 will, in the words of the UK government, ‘level up access to nature across the country, planting trees in socially deprived urban areas with low canopy cover, in proximity to healthcare and educational facilities.’

Trees benefit their surroundings by supplying oxygen, enhancing air quality, regulating climate, and regulating water. DGB Group plants millions of trees every year to restore nature. You can start by planting one tree to contribute to a sustainable future.

Plant a tree with DGB

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